... messages of greeting by supporters of "Europe for Christ!":
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László Surján: I am more than happy to have encountered the euroope4christ.net homepage. I send my greetings to all the participants of Europe for Christ.
In the contemporary deep moral crisis, Christians have enormous responsibility. But we are weak, and we have forgotten the message: “No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it away in a cellar nor under a basket, but on the lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light.”
Most of the Europeans are unhappy. The Christians know how to achieve happiness and the peace of the soul. But they remain inside their parishes or churches.
We should encourage each other to be open and to get out of our ghetto. I am impressed by your Europe for Christ initiative.
Dr. László Surján
Member of the European Parliament
Former vice-chairman of the European Union of Christian Democrats
Budapest, Hungary
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Krzysztof Zanussi: I cordially welcome the website Europe4Christ, it is a healthy idea as Europe is built on Judeochristian tradition and losing it, it risks losing its great identity.
Krzysztof Zanussi
Movie producer, director and script writer
Warsaw, June 07
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Alojz Peterle: I warmly welcome the initiative „Europe for Christ!“ as a sign of hope for a stronger value based commitment of citizen in Europe and especially in our dear country.
Europeans need to be awakened to a stronger commitment in building up our society based on the authentic human values which are also Christian values. And Slovenians need to be awakened to faithfulness to themselves, so that they will stand up publicly, when necessary, for the values without which the society cannot subsist nor exist in a well way!
It is our next future which is at stake and which is the responsibility of each of us, especially Christians. If Christians have something to contribute to our political culture, it is precisely their endeavours for spreading truly human values and culture of peace. Thus, I welcome the initiative “Europe for Christ!” in our dear country!
Alojz Peterle, MEP
Vice President of the European People’s Party and former Prime Minister of Slovenia
Brussels, March 07

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Wladyslaw Bartoszewski: I was born in 1922 and I have seen a lot during my long life. As a young man I was prisoner of the German National-Socialists in Auschwitz. After my liberation, I studied in the secret undercover University of Warsaw. I was then persecuted by the Polish communists. In total I spent 7 years of my life in communist jails! Through my commitment to the movement of Solidarnosc I finally became a politician. As Ambassador of my country to Austria (1990-1995), later senator of the Republic and in the end Minister of Foreign Affairs, I worked in Europe for reconciliation with Germany and with the Jews. This is why I also pleaded for the accession of Poland to the European Union. The EU enables us to participate in a desirable/wishful European collaboration.
I notice with concern however, how new ideologies loom in Europe: radical laicism pushes Christianity in the corner and out of European History. The Gender Ideology attacks our identity as man and woman at its core. An intolerant legislation around the antidiscrimination laws impedes the critical view of homosexuality. Contradiction is not tolerated. This reminds me of the well known authoritarian and totalitarian systems. We have remedy this and strive towards an open and tolerant Europe.
Prof. Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Warsaw, Poland, 11th of December 2006
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André Rouvoet: As a Christian politician I know the value of prayer. Through it we explicitly admit it isn’t about us, but that we are in the service of Our Lord and Saviour. It is good that people pray for the authorities. Christ himself calls us trough his apostles to pray for “Kings and for all in authority” (1 Tim 2,2). This is why I support the initiative Europe for Christ! I agree with them that Europe needs Christ. Following Him makes the darkness disappear (Joh 8,12).
André Rouvoet
Chairman of the parliamentary party Christen Unie, since 2007 Minister of Youth and Family and Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
November 2006
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Peter Hahne: “On can throw history over board, but one can’t abnegate it. Yes, from the beginning Europe was marqued by Christianity’s uniting bond and the vector of a system of values (…). If Europe wants to have a future, it should be aware of its origins and live consciously of its roots.
Here the firm courage of Christians is required. They muss confront the “Zeitgeist” and its culture and not repeat the slogans of the trend prophets. This requires an uncompromising, radical lifestyle, oriented on the Bible. Only in this way will Christians be able to contribute to our society.”
Peter Hahne, Columnist in the “Bild am Sonntag’ and Television presentator
Quotes taken from „Schluss mit lustig. Das Ende der Spaßgesellschaft.“ (Enough of jokes. End of the 'Fun-Society') with the authorisation of the author, October 2006
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Mons. Valentin Pozaic: Nowadays Europe must find its identity urgently. Nobody who knows our history, culture and education would say, that Europe does not need to be christian. As christians and Europeans we should be more conscious of this reality. The Project Europe for Christ! is therefore an excellent tool, because it gives us new impulses as prayer and arguments for faith – and finally more courage needed in confrontation with today’s' crisis in European society. We are called to say clearly that Europe has no future without Christ.
Mons. Valentin Pozaic
Auxilliary Bishop of Zagreb
Croatia, September 2006
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Norbert Walter: I welcome the initiative Europe for Christ ! as more can develop from God’s love, the treasure of the Gospel and the cultural riches of Christian music, painting and architecture then we, as members of the “instant society” are aware of.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Walter
Chief Economist Deutsche Bank Group
Frankfurt, September 2006
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General Philippe Morillon: Prayer is the most powerful tool we dispose of to make things move, and I sign up without hesitation to this project. I hope that we will be as many as possible to nourish in this way the treasure of the Communion of Saints and allow our continent, our union, to be at the level of what the whole world is expecting from it. That it may become again a sign of hope and centres of charity in a reaffirmed faith.
Philippe Morillon
Brussels, April 2006
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Adrianus Cardinal Simonis: There is a curious silence nowadays about Europe's Christian identity. There is also a curious silence about the Christian values that are able to give so much meaning to our lives. The deeper the silence goes, the deeper these ideas get buried. Christians have a great responsibility to break this silence. Even if we encounter a lack of understanding or intolerance. Christ has always spoken clearly. In the course of history, also our brothers and sisters have spoken up when it was necessary - often going against the mainstream. Europe for Christ! offers the tools to act coherently from our faith: Prayer in communion, the necessary knowledge, and hope in knowing that we aren't struggling alone.
+ Adrianus Cardinal Simonis
Archbishop of Utrecht
Utrecht, March 2006
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Ari Vatanen: Is there anything sacred in our lives these days?
The dazzling beauty of life ascends from its fragility and absolute value. Humanity must be based on unflinching values that cannot be determined by man. And yet today, these values have become a target of political bargaining. The project ‘Europe for Christ!’ offers to change people’s hearts so that Europe will open up to the message: Life is fragile, handle with prayer!
Ari Vatanen
Member of the European Parliament and ex-Rally World Champion
Brussels, March 2006

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Godfried Cardinal Danneels: To ask what Europe would be like without Christianity, is like asking what sea water would be like without salt. It is a fact that European civilization would not be what it is without Christians and Christianity. As a root of Europe, Christianity is not only a spiritual heritage. Christians in Europe also have a responsibility. European values are for a great part Jewish-Christian values. Some of them have been secularized. Cut off from their transcendent source – which is God and Christ – they are losing their base and sustainability. They become dead planets without their mother planet. They certainly remain admirable stars, but without fire, they risk becoming a folly. Just as Christianity can degenerate to individualism, love and peace can be reduced to simple pacifism. How long can secularized Jewish-Christian values survive without deterioration? That “Europe for Christ!” may help to rediscover the source which is Christ.
+ Godfried Cardinal Danneels
Archbishop of Malines-Brussels
Brussels, February 2006

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Otto von Habsburg: "Europe cannot be understood without its Christian roots. Still more, the Christian view of man and the values imbued with Christianity are indispensable for the political European system and should also be recognised by the European Union as being of the stature that can establish her identity. This can only be achieved if believing and practising Christians themselves become proactively involved.
Those who resign themselves cannot win. And those who flinch from the political fight cannot then complain if other forces prevail. If Christians, strengthened by prayer and good education, get involved actively in the shaping of Europe, then Europe has every chance of a good future.
The "Europe for Christ" initiative is a significant contribution to this. It tackles the issue entirely in the spirit of Pope John Paul II who saw the New Evangelisation of Europe as the basis for a future unity of the entire continent."
Otto von Habsburg
Honorary President of the International Pan-European Union
Munich, October 2005
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Reverend Nicky Gumble: “As Christians we are called to live out our faith in Jesus Christ and to share the love of Christ with those who are far from the Church. We have experienced great blessing through working together with Christians from all denominations in the task of evangelisation and we are committed to working in partnership with Christian organisations and movements in sharing the gospel in Europe. I am delighted to support the vision of ‘Europe for Christ’ as it seeks to encourage Christians to unite in prayer, evangelisation, and the transformation of society.”
The Rev’d Nicky Gumble
Pioneer of the Alpha course
London, September 23, 2005
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Christoph Kardinal Schönborn: "Europe needs the power of the lived Gospel more than ever. The future of our continent depends on how us Christians let our faith penetrate all aspects of our existence. In this way only can we become salt and light of society. The initiative with the beautiful name of „Europe for Christ!” shall strengthen our hope that public life in Europe can change for the better despite all affliction, if Christians engage themselves through prayer, words and deeds. I believe this approach to be the right one - and important! I also appreciate that besides the spiritual aspect, the focus is on „education and social responsibility."
+ Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
Archbishop of Vienna
Vienna, October 2005
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Ulrich Parzany: “I am delighted that Christians of different Churches and confessions are standing together, so that Jesus Christ is proclaimed anew in Europe. He is the Light of the world. Every person has the right to hear of him and to come to know him personally. Jesus Christ brings about the reconciliation of mankind with God and is thus also the source of reconciliation among individual human beings. This is a force that Europe urgently needs today. Christians in the many European countries can unite together in prayer. This is the most powerful contribution that Christians can make. From it a way of acting will also follow that reconciles and unites all parties.”
Pastor Ulrich Parzany
Leader of ProChrist
Kassel, Germany, September 2005
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Rocco Buttiglione: “The past months have shown us all clearly that Europe, and especially the European Union, is in a genuine crisis. However, every crisis also has a within it a chance for clarification and decision. The “Europe for Christ!” initiative will give new courage to Christians in Europe to take up their responsibility for the common good, even though a harsh secularising wind may be blowing in their faces. How much Europe would lose without the contribution of Christianity! So that there may never again be a second "Buttiglione case", I call upon all Christians in Europe to courageously bring their viewpoint to bear in public discussion. We are so many - and we have a great deal to say. Praying the Lord's Prayer together each day at midday will bring the support of Heaven to our side.”
Rocco Buttiglione
Italian Cultural Affairs Minister
Rome, September 2005
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Ingolf Ellssel: “Europe needs prayer. The "Europe for Christ" initiative has recognised this spiritual necessity and devised a spiritual answer to it. I was delighted at the "Europe for Christ" prayer initiative, not least because its clear and broad theological basis makes possible a spiritual unity for many Christians beyond the denominational frontiers. My warmest thanks to its initiators.”
Ingolf Ellssel
Chairman, Pentecostal European Fellowship
Tostedt, Germany, August 2005
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Gordon Showell-Rogers: “The European Evangelical Alliance is convinced that God graciously answers prayer in line with His will, as revealed in the Christian Scriptures: that individuals might receive new life in Christ, that Christians would love their neighbour (near and far) and be effective salt and light in their societies, and that His Kingdom come and His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We commend Europe4Christ for its concern for God's blessing on Europe at this stage of history. Europe has always needed Christ: and never more so than now.”
Gordon Showell-Rogers
General Secretary, European Evangelical Alliance
Oxfordshire, September 2005
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We would be happy to hear your thoughts and greetings. Please write to us under office (at) europe4christ.net